The End of a Season #SOL19

Today is the day. The last day of basketball games for this season. My son’s Special Olympics team has played well this year and earned their spot on the state bracket.  Whether they win today’s games or not, just getting here is quite an achievement.

So here we are, traveling toward the state’s capital city on a bright, hopeful Saturday morning. Each of us quiet, lost in our own thoughts while gazing out the window at the scenery as we pass by.  If my son is nervous, he doesn’t show it.

I will miss basketball season.  The games, the people, and the celebration of achievements great and small.  My son has been involved with Special Olympics for 29 years.  Each year I learn and grow from experiencing the commitment, determination, work ethic, sportsmanship, and joyful attitude the athletes, coaches, and family members bring to the sport.  Yes, I will definitely miss Saturdays in this supportive and caring community and definitely look forward to next season when we get to do it all over again.

12 thoughts on “The End of a Season #SOL19

  1. What a beautiful way to spend a Saturday, Tracy. I wish your son luck in the tournament, but also wish him loads of fun. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it? Cheers! — Christie

    • Thank you, Christie! They played a good game, but they didn’t win. That’s okay, though. As you said, it’s about having fun! The fact that they made it to state is admirable!

  2. What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday! I used to have a book club with a small group of adults with cognitive abilities. I absolutely loved my time spent with them. Some were able to read and some just listened. But I know they always appreciated our time together! I hope his day was wonderful!

    • Thank you, Leigh Anne. His day was wonderful, even though they lost their first game. Winning is nice, but it is not the only reason they play. I bet the book club meetings were wonderful. Time spent with people with cognitive disabilities is a special time indeed.

  3. What a wonderful experience for your family to share! Those Saturdays have given you so many incredible memories that you all will always be able to treasure. You definitely have something beautiful to look forward to next year!

  4. These ‘lasts’ are bittersweet, aren’t they? Congrats to them, no matter the final score. Winning is determined by more than numbers on a board. But you already know that, don’t you?

    • Thank you, Paula. Too bad winning isn’t perceived that way by all people. Just think how much nicer this world would be…

  5. Your post reminded me that I need to check in with my cousin, Jeff, who is also a Special Olympian and a basketball player. Basketball has long been one of our bonds, and it has been far too long since my husband (who is one of Jeff’s biggest fans) have spent time with him. Jeff has been one of the most influential teachers in my life because of the passion and perseverance with which he approaches basketball and life. Thank you for this reminder!

    • Erin, there are two Jeffs on my son’s team. Special Olympians are incredible teachers. We can all learn from their example.

  6. If one ever feels one’s faith in humanity wavering, Special Olympics basketball is the remedy. Twenty-nine years, Tracy! How remarkable of and for your son! And you!

    • Thank you, Daven. You are so right. When Kenny used to participate in track and field, the state games were always held in Terre Haute at Indiana State University for an entire weekend. I loved our weekends there and always felt sad to have to return to reality on Sunday evening. As with the basketball, it is like entering a different world filled with simple joys, concern for others, and support for each others triumphs and pitfalls. It’s an amazing experience.

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