Saturday Morning Clouds and Dreams #SOL19

The road stretches out before us as my husband and I drive to my son’s 11 a.m. basketball game.  The sky is full of white, fluffy cotton ball clouds. As I watch them drift so slowly across the bright morning sky, I notice that some clouds drift more slowly than others, some seem not to move at all, and some completely disappear before my eyes.  I entertain the notion that each cloud is like a dream moving across the expanse of time that makes up my life.

Some dreams hang around for awhile, slowly changing as life’s circumstances change, some dreams remain unaltered for years (for example, reaching my ideal weight 😞), and some dreams are shortlived and disappear almost as quickly as they arrive.

Those dreams that have been or are being realized are perhaps like clouds heavy with moisture. Once everything is just right, the moisture falls as rain, providing life-giving water to nurture and sustain that which has been realized. Realized dreams often only become that way due to time, hard work, and grit (a similar process to a cloud growing heavy with rain).

“A penny for your thoughts,” my husband says, bringing me back to the present.

“Just noticing the clouds. Aren’t they dreamy?” I reply.  He raises a puzzled eyebrow, says nothing, and drives on. I smile and go back to my daydreaming.


14 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Clouds and Dreams #SOL19

  1. They were gorgeous today! My mother-in-law called them “Toy Story clouds.” I love the idea of each one representing a dream.

  2. THIS is why I love being a passenger more than a driver—I can gaze out at the scenery, the skies, the passing vistas and daydream. Now I can think about each cloud as a dream…what a cool idea. Thanks for planting that seed idea! Love this slice!

    • Thank you, Paula. I especially love being a passenger during the periods of sunrise or sunset. The view is absolutely breathtaking.

  3. Your post is encouraging me to think about how my dreams have shifted and evolved. I think that I’m going to spend some time exploring this in my notebook! Thank you for inspiring me!

  4. We were traveling under the same skies and clouds yesterday! And it was a beautiful day! I love introspective thinking.

    • It was the kind of sky that inspires that type of thinking. I am glad you were able to enjoy it, too. It was so lovely and quite different from most of today!

  5. The clouds allow us to move through their billowy bodies and immerse ourselves in daydreams. Wonderful thoughts from you post today.

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