A Sweet Remembrance #SOL19

Note: Thank you, Christine, for the idea to write about Grandma’s caramels.  Your suggestion really got me thinking and remembering!   

We open the back door and step inside the kitchen.  Immediately the mouthwatering scent of Grandma’s homemade caramels greets us.  It is nearing the holidays.  She will make seemingly endless batches of these delicious nuggets of goodness.  Grandma is there next to the stove with her beautiful warm smile and petite arms outstretched to give everyone hugs and kisses on the cheek.

“Are you hungry?” she asks.  Grandma always asks that question and always has food (most likely her famous spaghetti and meatballs) ready to serve.  We had eaten earlier, so we decline.  She puts a bowl of fresh caramels on the table.  “Take a few of those as you walk by,” she says.  Her caramels are as famous as her meatballs.  We all take some of the wrapped candy as we pass by the table and go into the living room.

“What are you up to today?” my husband, her grandson, asks.  They discuss the many things she has accomplished so far.  She is whirlwind of energy and can do spirit.  I love listening to her talk about her day.  She is a faith-filled woman with such enthusiasm and zeal for life, and she approaches every problem with a positive and resourceful attitude.  Her deep, enduring faith is a beautiful example for all of us.

During our visit, my husband pulls caramel after caramel out of his shirt pocket.  He always has a handful of caramels in his shirt pocket this time of the year.  He carefully untwists each end of the wax paper wrapper and pops the sweet confection into his mouth.  I can tell that he is savoring each sweet, creamy, and buttery morsel as they melt in his mouth.  I smile.  My heart warms to see him enjoy the company and the candy so much.

When our visit ends, she walks to the kitchen and promptly reappears, producing a quart-sized plastic bag full of caramels.  She hands them to my husband.  He bends over to give her a hug and she reminds him to share.   For a moment, I see a little boy and his grandma.  The vision makes me smile.  Another round of hugs and kisses commence as we make our way to the back door.  Another sweet memory made to tuck away for future reminiscing.

12 thoughts on “A Sweet Remembrance #SOL19

  1. Your memory brought back my own memories of my Nonnie’s kitchen. Thank you for sharing your grandmother’s caramels and wisdom with us.

    • I am glad this brought back memories of your Nonnie’s kitchen. Grandmothers are so special. Have a great day, Carol!

  2. What a beautiful, heartwarming slice. Your descriptions and sprinkling of conversation bring Grandma to life! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ok so this made me a little weepy thinking about my grandma. I immediately went there but the way you wrote it, as I continued on? Really affected me. In such a good way. You mentioned in the beginning that you got the idea for this from someone else and I think before the challenge is over I have a grandma Slice on the way thanks to you. I love this piece. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Too sweet! Everyone should have a memory like this. My husband’s grandmother is the same but with monster cookies.

  5. So glad you wrote this slice! I love your ending – bringing it back to your husband as a little boy!
    You’ve now given me another idea for an upcoming slice! What a cycle of ideas!

    • Thank you, Christine! I am going to miss that cycle of ideas once this slice challenge ends. Oh, be sure to check back tomorrow. Writing about Grandma inspired one more slice. Thank you for the inspiration!

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